Tiny Hollowing in Woodturning
It's just the same as any hollowing ... but different
Step by step procedure
Small hollowing of woodturned items is very much just like hollowing larger pieces. You still go through the same basic procedures of shaping the outside first; hollowing the inside starting from the "top" down; spending far too much time getting the shavings out; and trying to figure out just exactly where that cutter IS at any particular moment ... so you don't go too thin in one area and blow it out.
But, there are some differences in how much force you can apply to the hollowing process and the tools that you use. For truly small hollowing, you'll have to make your own hollowing tools. There simply aren't any out there sized to fit the job. But for larger (but still small) turnings, there are some commercial tools that might work for you. In this section, we'll go through some of the tools, shapes, materials, and procedures for making your own tools. * INCOMPLETE ARTICLE *
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The Tools
Here you can see a collection of small hollowing tools that have been made from a few different things The red handles things are HSS hex key wrenches. Hex keys are often made from HSS but not all are. Must test them to see how you should heat treat and bend, etc. [Link to heat treat and bending here] The large "T" handles are nice to control the hollowing. but can be dangerous. if you get your fingers caught in them. Bend them appropriately if need be to prevent that. [Link to safety page here] |
Closeup view of some mid-size small tools. HSS hex key wrench tools. Mid-thickness. MAPP torch bent. Take a look at our heat treating handout (Adobe PDF File). It gives the general procedure and some tips on how we heat treat the tools we make. |
Larger small tools. HSS hex key wrench tools. Bent with MAP torch. Ground to profile with grinder. Just scrapers. Thicker. |
Old, thick screwdrivers. Don't hang over
very far of toolrest so is safe. DON'T use these for
difficult woods or over the toolrest farther than 2".
Unsafe, grabby, snap.
Size view shows curved-up profile. Gives a shear scrape cut. Cuts VERY well and crisply. Cuts fast. Top view shows notch used to get up under the lips of some hollowforms. Used a lot in depth drilling and hogging out main portion of hollowform. |
Hex key wrench. Very small size. Carbon steel. Heated with propane torch and bent in vise. Not very long so can't hang over toolrest [show custom toolrest link for these here] |
[Picture of small hook tools here] | |
[Picture of small ring tools here] |
Making Custom Tools
Types of steel
Heating procedures/links
Using Your Custom Tools
Show a tree ornament being made
Show an Ellsworth style hollowform being made
Show an endgrain bell being made
Show a micro-hollowform being made
Commercial small-scale tools